
We kindly ask you to refer to the Dutch version of this website in order to show the roster. Please click here for the direct link.

Call the midwife on duty:

06-51 42 84 77

(We cannot receive sms or Whats-app messages)

The shift changes at 18.30 in the evening. Sunday nights, this happens at 21.00.

Refer here to read the calling instructions during childbirth.



New location As of April 1, we will move to our new location near Emiclaer, ‘Het masker 208/210’, is under …

Dutch midwifery system

In Holland we are unique! For some women it is different, another system than in their home country. This film …

English website online

The English translation of our website is complete and now available! We welcome your feedback in case of inconsistencies, mistakes, …